HAS. MISSION: TO HELP EDUCATE, ENTERTAIN, MOTIVATE, AND HELP YOU AND YOURS ACHIEVE YOUR GOALS AND DREAMS. ![]() (Special Notice: all information on this website has been pre-published or it is Billy Joe Cate's personal opinion Be it Audio video or in Print) All 5 Of My Books Are On Amazon.Com, Enter Billy Joe Cate Author B J's 90th Birthday Party Dance Well, I name is Billy Joe Cate I am 91 years old. I am a Korean Vet, I have my wonderful family with me five generations. Below is a link to my video dance to rock around the clock. ![]() #1 HOLIDAYS AND SPECIAL FAMILY EVENTS #1 BOOK OF POEMS ON SUCCES Reported That 2.7 Million Illegals Are Registered To Vote. Poem With this, how can we ever have a fair election? Is there any kind of election any kind of election protection? With 2.7 million illegals voting doing an election. The American people need to force a change in direction. Stolen elections which is the main cause of inflation today. Are they hoping “we the people” will run out of gas? With this, how can we ever have a fair election? Is there any kind of election protection? With 2.7 million illegals voting during an election. The American people need to force a change in our direction. Stolen elections can be the main cause of inflation today. Are they hoping “we the people” will run out of gas? Is there any kind of election any kind of election protection? With 2.7 million illegals voting during an election. We the people need a change in leadership for our protection. Stolen elections have caused America to go in the wrong direction. This happened because solar nails elections got in our way. American families can’t afford Life’s essentials, so they say. Why does the ruling class get a pass? Are they hoping “we the people” will run out of gas?
But Never Poor. Poem Amazon. com Enter Billy Joe (BJ) Cate, author. Web, Note; all of Billy Joe Cate's writings are only his opinions formed over 91 and what he has learned.
Being broke is well-defined. I believe poor is a state of mind. Have you heard oh you poor thing? We all know the feeling it will bring.
All the ones who believe they are poor. It is hard, for them to think positively anymore. When we are broke, we don't always say it. The only problem is, that we cannot pay it.
Anytime, I did not have a job, I started something new. In most cases, I would start a business or two. All during my life, this worked for me. In fact, over time, I became financially free.
Being poor is something I seldom ever said. I knew my creative mind would have recorded it in my head. We program our minds by what we say. I would say what was positive several times a day. Never Let Others Tell You What You Are Not. Poem Enter Billy Joe (BJ) Cate, author. Web, Note; all of Billy Joe Cate's writings are only his opinions formed over 91 years of life and what he has learned. If you are male or female, you know a lot. So, never let others tell you what you've got. I grew up as a sharecropper son. In America, despite all my failures I won. While I was achieving my big dream. Many critics tried to destroy me and my team. Which has been my greatest defense. I am successful and I live in my dream home today. A reason is I did not listen to what my critics would say, Being successful is being happy and financially successful too. I always focused on my dream, and it came true. All of us have a God-given power within. We just need to figure out how and where to begin. I am so happy and have a wonderful family today. Living on proven success principles is a great w
Billy Joe (BJ) Cate, author. Web, Note; all of Billy Joe Cate's writings are only his opinions formed over 91 years of life and what he has learned. Life is a bowl of cherries, I didn't see how that fits. The secret was I had to learn to enjoy the pitts. This can cause us to be left out in the cold. If we keep believing all that we are told. Politicians made a good example of this. They are trying, to paint us a picture of bliss. We don't know what we don't know. So I go slow till I know which way to go. Our minds are programmed by what we let in. Being a dreamer, I found a way to win. When did I learn how to win? I did it again and again. While we are going through the rain. Our dreams will help us endure the pain As a winner, he never waits on the breaks. He follows his dream and does whatever it takes.\ Our Visions Are Seeds, We Plant In Our Minds. Poem Billy Joe (BJ) Cate, author. Web, Note; all of Billy Joe Cate's writings are only his opinions formed over 91 years of life and what he has learned.
Come harvest time, we will reap the same kinds. We all need to give our creative minds a test. Did you know it's always active and never takes a rest? It is what we use when we program our minds. We say our dreams aloud so we will enjoy positive signs. This is one secret to my success I found. It led me to a successful life on higher ground. Knowing the secret helped me pave the way. I always repeated my dreams aloud every day. Many of my so-called friends said I was crazy. I just proved to them I wasn't lazy. Non-winners need more courage to begin. Having a negative attitude, they don't think they can win. Anyone who has a positive vision could do it. Is Meeting A Stranger, A Friend You Have Not Met Yet? Poem Enter, Billy Joe (BJ) Cate, author. Web, all of Billy Joe Cate's writings are only his opinions formed over 91 years of life and what he has learned. Building relationships is part of life. Especially if it's with your wife. Many try to avoid meeting a stranger. In their minds, it may be a signal of danger. Many others are eager to tell you what's on their mind. You will be amazed at the great information you will find. I was told life is a bowl of cherries, I couldn't see how that fits. The secret was I had to learn how to enjoy the pits. Learning how to develop great relationships is a gift. When we are doing it right, we give others a lift. I used to get hung up on my hangups, and they almost hung me. If we have a lot of hangups, it's hard to be free. Following, proven success principles can make your day. This is a proven principle that will always pay. I repeated my goals and dreams aloud every day. Finding success will depend much on what we say. In preparing to be a leader, you need to create a positive scene. It is essential to build great relationships with your team This is a positive way for a leader to achieve a great dream. Great leaders know to always give credit to their team. Is Meeting A Stranger, A Friend You Have Not Met Yet? Poem Enter, Billy Joe (BJ) Cate, author. Web, all of Billy Joe Cate's writings are only his opinions formed over 91 years of life and what he has learned. Building relationships is part of life. Especially if it's with your wife. Many try to avoid meeting a stranger. In their minds, it may be a signal of danger. Many others are eager to tell you what's on their mind. You will be amazed at the great information you will find. I was told life is a bowl of cherries, I couldn't see how that fits. The secret was I had to learn how to enjoy the pits. Learning how to develop great relationships is a gift. When we are doing it right, we give others a lift. I used to get hung up on my hangups, and they almost hung me. If we have a lot of hangups, it's hard to be free. Following, proven success principles can make your day. This is a proven principle that will always pay. I repeated my goals and dreams aloud every day. Finding success will depend much on what we say. In preparing to be a leader, you need to create a positive scene. It is essential to build great relationships with your team This is a positive way for a leader to achieve a great dream. Great leaders know to always give credit to their team. Why Has Real Success Escaped So Many? Poem Enter Billy Joe (BJ) Cate, author. Web, Note; all of Billy Joe Cate's writings are only his opinions formed over 91 years of life and what he has learned. Why has real success escaped so many? Their focus, was not on a big dream, if any. B J has 4 steps in his books for real success. He became successful with his 4 steps, without stress. B J did it, the choice is up to you, now you can do it too. Faith and confidence can help you achieve what’s new. Most have fear of any change, this is true. Not achieving your goals, change may be long overdue. We need to know fear is a paralyzing force. That can drive anyone off course. It took time but once I had a big dream. Achieving my goals, I was no longer swimming upstream. I repeated my goals and dreams aloud every day. To help program my mind, and pave the way. When I knew the secret to success I did it again and again. Develop a big dream, and create a mental vision to win. My Reaction To The Fair Factor Poem. Amazon. com Enter Billy Joe (BJ) Cate, author. Web, Note; all of Billy Joe Cate's writings are only his opinions formed over 91 years. Our Courage gets up and walks out when we start to accept fear and doubt. There are two known fears of success. Fear of success and fear of failure causes stress. It is known, that fear is a paralyzing force. That can drive anyone off course. In my life, I remember when fear controlled me. Once started to believe in a big dream it set me free. I started to say aloud my goals and dreams every day. This was a principal factor that paved my way. I no longer was the reactor to the fear factor. In other words, I conquered my mental attacker “Anything we can conceive and believe we can achieve” A quote, from Norman Vincent Peale, this is what I believe. When we daily improve the vision of our big dream, Being successful is not as hard as it may seem. I Believe Life Is A Lot Like Poker, Poem Enter Billy Joe (BJ) Cate, author. Web, Note; all of Billy Joe Cate's writings are only his opinions formed over 91 years of life and what he has learned. Know when to hold them and when to fold them? In Kenny Rogers's song It all worked out for him. If you plan to use it, I'm sure we will see. I kept repeating it, and it worked for me. We can say a decision is made without vision. In most cases, it turns out to be a bad decision. Almost all these decisions you will find. Is usually made with a blind mind. Yet, in life, we can plan a winning hand. Mentally, it depends on where we stand. If we focus on a big dream every day. Our minds will tend to follow what we say. I had a dream to be financially free. Repeating my dreams aloud every day did it for me. I was programmed by what I would say. It works by staying focused this is a great way. Are You Prepared To Run With Movers And Shakers? Poem Enter Billy Joe (BJ) Cate, author. Web, Note; all of Billy Joe Cate's writings are only his opinions formed over 91 years of life and what he has learned. I decided to follow those who know how to win. That was the movers and shakers, who took me in. Takers may paint a pretty picture for us to see. When we follow proven principles, we will disagree. Too many believe if you're successful you're a lucky guy. If it is a girl or a guy, they never look for the reason why. It took me years to learn about the principal-driven mind. My life built on proven success principles was a great find. When, I learned how in life to be happy, and to win. I used the same formula to do it again and again. I kept repeating my goals and dreams aloud every day. We should never listen to what the critics say. I had so-called friends who were always putting me down. They had no idea about the success formula that I had found. Having a dream, I was just looking for a way to score. After I learned this, I kept looking to learn even more. If you are successful, it can happen to you wanting to be free. Being successful my so-called friends didn't like me. So I found a new set of friends, they also wanted to win. I taught them the success formula and the right way to begin. It's Great When We Can Laugh At Ourselves. Poem Amazon. com Enter Billy Joe (BJ) Cate, author. Web, Note; all of Billy Joe Cate's writings are only his opinions formed over 91 years of life and what he has learned. When I woke up, I looked in the mirror to see what I could see. I laughed when I saw what was looking back at me. Has the same thing happened to you? Please forgive me if that isn't true. My wife used to say, why did you do that? Please don't rush me I don't know why I did that. Is this part of life, the taking and the giving? It could be a part of every day we're living. This is one reason I thought failure was an ugly creature. Later it turned out to be a great teacher. One day I got put on the spot and began to sweat. Later, I realized it was a trap that I had set. One reason we laugh at ourselves is we make dumb mistakes. We all make human mistakes, so we give ourselves many breaks. This is all in fun, we have to be good to ourselves because that's all we've got. We all need to succeed, and that means a lot. When we laughed at others, we didn't know what we were doing. Later, this may be a friendship that we want to try renewing. When many of these things happen to you, we can all laugh, it happens to me too. Enter Billy Joe (BJ) Cate, author. Web, Note; all of Billy Joe Cate's writings are only his opinions formed over 91 years of life and what he has learned. Mentally I avoid that in special ways. I only have good or better days. If you believe you're going to have a bad day. Mentally you have planned for it to happen that way. Our subconscious mind never goes to sleep. The words I say are what I planned, I will reap. When we say our goals aloud it helps program our mind. The goals we achieve will be the same kind. I had a big dream I wanted to achieve. At first, it was hard for me to believe. Later I learned the secret to success. Speaking aloud, my dream I would daily address. My successful friends taught me how to program my mind. To say aloud my goals and dreams every day was a great find. Now you know why I never have a bad day. The reason is I refuse to program my mind that way.
Amazon. com Enter Billy Joe (BJ) Cate, author. Web, Note; all of Billy Joe Cate's writings are only his opinions formed over 91 and what he has learned. You may have talked with someone who is a friendly thief, who is trying to change your belief? No matter what we say or do. To ourselves, we need always to be true. There is propaganda, that will always play with our minds. Living on principles protects us from these kinds. Winners always look for any positive sign. They are always excited about what they find. Others will try to pull you down when you have a big dream. They will label it as some evil scene. They will have no idea all the power you have found. This will give you a vision that will lead you to higher ground. When you have a challenge sleep on it overnight. In the morning your creative mind can get it right. No matter what your critics say. Your principal-driven mind will find a way. Needs Versus Wants. Poem Amazon. com Enter Billy Joe (BJ) Cate, author. Web, Note; all of Billy Joe Cate's writings are only his opinions formed over 91 years of life and what he has learned. Needs are so easy to define. Being smart, we know the dividing line. Our priority needs are what we focus on. If we go for our wants, our goals will be gone. For my son, I drew a line down the middle of the page. It was a dividing line between needs and wants, to use as a gauge. Son, you never cross that dividing line. When your needs are completed that will be the sign. Your needs are part of the goals you will achieve. Your goals are steps to your dream you need to believe. After you have completed your needs along the way. You can reward yourself with a want on that day. When you are starting to succeed, do what the winners do. They keep reinvesting in their dream to help it come true, I know now you know how to mentally plant these seeds. The reason for this was to stress the importance of your needs. Never Let Critics Slow You Down. Poem Amazon. com Enter Billy Joe (BJ) Cate, author. Web, Note; all of Billy Joe Cate's writings are only his opinions formed over 91 and what he has learned. Why do critics try to pull you down? Giving you the courage to fight another round. My critics told me I could never do it. I was sold on my dream so I got to it. Why do, we let criticism get in our way? There is always a price we will have to pay. They are trying to create fear in our mind. They want us to go mentally blind. When I was working to achieve my big dream. My critics were trying to destroy my team I have learned how to handle an incoming tide. It was tough, and it was one hell of a ride. Winners have learned how to put critics in their place. They need to do it if they want to win the race. My dream was to be financially free. I Have Been Broke Many Times, But Never Poor. Poem Being broke is well-defined. I believe poor is a state of mind. Have you heard oh you poor thing? We all know the feeling it will bring. All the ones who believe they are poor. It is hard, for them to think positively anymore. When we are broke, we don't always say it. The only problem is, that we cannot pay it. Anytime, I did not have a job, I started something new. In most cases, I would start a business or two. All during my life, this worked for me. In fact, over time, I became financially free. Being poor is something I seldom ever said. I knew my creative mind would have recorded it in my head. We program our minds by what we say. I would say what was positive several times a day. You Will Be Criticized If You Have A Big Dream. Poem Amazon. com Enter Billy Joe (BJ) Cate, author. Web, Note; all of Billy Joe Cate's writings are only his opinions formed over 91 years and what he has learned. At first, I had to build a great team. They became a major part of my dream. They are saying, aloud their goals and dreams every day. Knowing the creative mind will react to the words they say. They became fine-tuned on the team’s vision. This was a great help when I made a decision. I had decided to achieve a big dream. It is never as hard at first as it may seem. We are achieving goals and steps to achieving our dream. This is one of the lessons that I taught my team. They had no idea of the power I had found. When we are happy and successful in life. Non-winners may say I'm not going through all that strife. If you decide to be a leader, others will follow you. Always follow proven success principles in all you say and do. An Attitude I Can Is A Great Plan. Poem Amazon. com Enter Billy Joe (BJ) Cate, author. Web, Note; all of Billy Joe Cate's writings are only his opinions formed over 91 years of life and what he has learned. When we have this kind of attitude every day. We will be positive with what we do and say. While using proven success principles along the way. Repeating aloud our goals and dreams every day. We can build on a dream that will pay. We can achieve an exciting dream this way. We needed to develop a strong team. It did not matter if we had to swim upstream. When we have a big dream, it's our master plan. All our critics will know where we stand. With a plan I can, can put you on higher ground. I always listen to the winners who helped me score. I like to follow those who’ve been there before. What do you have with an attitude I can? You have adopted a winner’s plan. #2 BOOK OF POEMS (SAVING AMERICA)
Are Schools Used as Political Tools?, Poem BJ’s five books are on Enter, Billy Joe (BJ) Cate, author. Web, Note; all of Billy Joe Cate's writings are only his opinions formed over 91 years of life and what he has learned. Did we know by sending our children to school? Could we know they would become a political tool? What are most schools teaching today? Do we as parents, no longer have a say? Are pornographic subjects being taught? Is this what we taxpayers have bought? Is it, crooked school boards that treat us this way? Is fixed elections of school boards we see today.? Are the principles of these schools in on it? Is there a way we can remove them, to stop it? Do you believe that in genders there are only two? Can we stop this confusion, that is long overdue? Have most Americans learned, that our freedom is not free? Are you willing to do what it takes when it is up to you and me? Do we as believing Americans know the solution? Are we in the know, it is following our U. S. Constitution?
I AM PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN WRITTEN By BILLY JOE (BJ) CATE, BJCATEWRITES.COM For Those Who Remember The Past 75 Years. How We Have Grown Despite All Our Fears. Technology Has Accomplished So Much Yet It Will Never Replace The Human Touch. Our Constitution Has Given Us All Individual Freedoms We Enjoy. When I was a young sharecropper son, I felt American pride as a boy. A Salute To All American Leaders Who Honored Our Constitution. Americans Need Leaders Who Are Always Focused On Finding A Solution.
When We Count Wars That Our American Veterans Have Fought. Can today’s Americans Ever Measure The Freedom They Have Bought? The Sacrifices They Gave Brought The Lifestyle We Enjoy Today. Our Veterans Were There To Serve No Matter The Price They Had To Pay. There Are Those Today Who Are Trying To Destroy Our American History. The Reason They Are Trying To Destroy Our Way Of Life Is Not A Mystery. Not To Mention The Gangs And The Burning And Looting Of Many Cities Today. Allowing This To Continue We Could Lose Our Freedoms And The American Way. As A Young American, I Looked In The Mirror To See What I Could See. I Was Amazed At What I Did See, It Was My Biggest Problem Looking Back At Me. In My Younger Years, I Thought Failure Was An Ugly Creature. As I Faced My Fears And Struggles In Life It Tuned Out To Be A Great Teacher. We All Can Enjoy A Wonderful Gift. This Happens When We Give Others A Lift. As Americans Freedom Is A Gift We Enjoy Every Day. Why Not Share That Gift With Others In What We Do And Say? Are Schools Used as Political Tools?, Poem BJ’s five books are on Enter, Billy Joe (BJ) Cate, author. Web, Note; all of Billy Joe Cate's writings are only his opinions formed over 91 years of life and what he has learned. Did we know by sending our children to school? Could we know they would become a political tool? What are most schools teaching today? Do we as parents, no longer have a say? Are pornographic subjects being taught? Is this what we taxpayers have bought? Is it, crooked school boards that treat us this way? Is fixed elections of school boards we see today.? Are the principles of these schools in on it? Is there a way we can remove them, to stop it? Do you believe that in genders there are only two? Can we stop this confusion, that is long overdue? Have most Americans learned, that our freedom is not free? Are you willing to do what it takes when it is up to you and me? Do we as believing Americans know the solution? Are we in the know, it is following our U. S. Constitution? Virtual Intelligence (Ai) Poem BJ’s five books are on Enter, Billy Joe (BJ) Cate, author. Web, Note; all of Billy Joe Cate's writings are only his opinions formed over 91 years of life and what he has learned.
Were the secrets found at the spaceship crash in Roswell still unknown? Since that crash, it is amazing how fast U.S. technology has grown. Has our government been using AI much longer than we know? Our elections will become extremely critical as AI continues to grow.
AI is new to many Americans who are in fear of what to expect. As reported in an event it got out of control, which we can't neglect. Our adventure into AI could turn out to be a minefield. Yet AI’s potential could give us a very positive yield.
Reported that ai does tasks at nearly the speed of light. I heard it said, that recent tests are up to 98% right? I believe it is from human intelligence and secrets from Roswell. We are often kept in the dark, can we believe what they want to sell?
How can we believe so-called leaders who are in the know? Too often we are miss-led not knowing which way to go. Are those trying to steal our country creating confusion? This can create distrust where we are fearful of a solution.
Many Americans may think it is a great thing. Thinking about our future and the great lifestyle it can bring. Researchers are working fast on technology for AI. Do you believe thousands of us will want to give it a try?
As Reported AI Could Change The Algorithm On Any Voting Machine Without Stopping The Ballot Counting. Therefore All Electronic Devices And Electronic Voting Machines Must Be Eliminated In All U.S. Elections.
Now, in the United States, we need to go to paper ballots, hand counting, IDs, and same-day voting. Otherwise, those elected will be in of us the people. AI could be far-reaching, and it could damage human intelligence in an attempt to make us human beings irrelevant. Creating elections is a way to destroy the American Constitution and our way of life.
Virtual Intelligence (Ai) Poem
Enter, Billy Joe (BJ) Cate, author. Web, Note; all of Billy Joe Cate's writings are only his opinions formed over 91 years of life and what he has learned.
Were the secrets found at the spaceship crash in Roswell still unknown? Since that crash, it is amazing how fast U.S. technology has grown. Has our government been using AI much longer than we know? Our elections will become extremely critical as AI continues to grow.
AI is new to many Americans who are in fear of what to expect. As reported in an event it got out of control, which we can't neglect. Our adventure into AI could turn out to be a minefield. Yet AI’s potential could give us a very positive yield.
Reported that ai does tasks at nearly the speed of light. I heard it said, that recent tests are up to 98% right? I believe it is from human intelligence and secrets from Roswell. We are often kept in the dark, can we believe what they want to sell?
How can we believe so-called leaders who are in the know? Too often we are miss-led not knowing which way to go. Are those trying to steal our country creating confusion? This can create distrust where we are fearful of a solution.
Many Americans may think it is a great thing. Thinking about our future and the great lifestyle it can bring. Researchers are working fast on technology for AI. Do you believe thousands of us will want to give it a try? What Does It Mean To Be An American? Poem By, Billy Joe (BJ) Cate Is it that we can achieve the American dream? Can an American family, become a strong team? Could it be individual freedom sets all of us free? Once we understand our constitution, this is easy to see. Are all the new arrivals Learning the American way? We Americans will know this by what they do and say. Are we all proud to be living the American way today? Do we honor our constitution in the American way? All Americans are given individual freedoms to enjoy. Do you believe these are freedoms, others want to destroy? Do you know American families can be a great force? That many power brokers are trying to drive off course. For over 200 years our Constitution has stood strong. American men’s and women’s freedom has lasted so long. Today are we free to live our lives much like we choose? Do you believe this is a freedom we can't afford to lose? For all the men and women who have ever fought. Can we Americans measure the freedom they bought? What If we ever lose the American freedoms we enjoy? This is a God-given freedom, we cannot let others destroy.
What Did They Do To Us? Enter, Billy Joe (BJ) Cate, author. Web, Note; all of Billy Joe Cate's writings are only his opinions formed over 91 years of life and what he has learned.
Why did they try so hard to sell us on the COVID shot? After 3 years have we figured out what we got? Do we even know what's in that crazy shot? Why are so many sick after the shots they got?
How are we Americans willing to buy their lie? With all the sudden deaths, what is the reason why? Are we the people defendants against the ruling class? When it comes to our freedom do we ever get a pass?
Do you believe the 2020 election was a setup deal? Why didn’t they consider all the evidence of the steal? Why are we the people paying such a heavy price? Is it be the power brokers in Washington control the dice?
Do you believe that the J6 protest in DC was set up too? Is it time we see all the J6 Fed videos that are long overdue? In the upcoming 2024 election, will voters have any protection? Can we the American people get voter protection, not selection? Too Many Secrets, Why, Poem BJ’s five books are on Enter, Billy Joe (BJ) Cate, author. Web, Note; all of Billy Joe Cate's writings are only his opinions formed over 91 years of life and what he has learned.
Is our house like our border today? When it is violated who has to pay? Having open borders, do you feel secure? How long do you think we can endure?
Are they telling us lies that we will buy? Will it be later when we learn the reason why? Through open borders are we protected? Could the loss of our liberties be expected?
Does it mean the American People’s freedom is at stake? Are so-called leaders, hoping we will break? Can we prevent the stealing of our elections? Has it helped to destroy all of America’s protections?
Is anyone being against “America First”? Could this be a way Americans are cursed? can we stand up for “America First” all the way? How do we regain our Freedom in America today?
Having millions of illegals are our schools overrun? How can we the US taxpayers afford what is done? Will we Americans stand up for our Constitution? Is following our constitution our best solution? Does The USA Have Borders, Poem BJ’s five books are on Enter, Billy Joe (BJ) Cate, author. Web, Note; all of Billy Joe Cate's writings are only his opinions formed over 91 years of life and what he has learned. Is our house like our border today? When it is violated who has to pay? Do you and your family feel protected? Are you all ready for the unexpected? Having open borders, do you feel secure? How long do you think we can endure? Do all the illegals Increase the USA’s crime? If this is true, why are we wasting so much time? Are they telling us lies that we will buy? Will it be later when we learn the reason why? Through open borders are we protected? Could the loss of our liberties be expected? Having millions of illegals are our schools overrun? How can we the US taxpayers afford what is done? Will we Americans stand up for our Constitution? Is following our constitution our best solution?
What Did They Do To Us? Enter, Billy Joe (BJ) Cate, author. Web, Note; all of Billy Joe Cate's writings are only his opinions formed over 91 years of life and what he has learned.
Why did they try so hard to sell us on the COVID shot? After 3 years have we figured out what we got? Do we even know what's in that crazy shot? Why are so many sick after the shots they got?
How are we Americans willing to buy their lie? With all the sudden deaths, what is the reason why? Are we the people defendants against the ruling class? When it comes to our freedom do we ever get a pass?
Do you believe the 2020 election was a setup deal? Why didn’t they consider all the evidence of the steal? Why are we the people paying such a heavy price? Is it be the power brokers in Washington control the dice?
Do you believe that the J6 protest in DC was set up too?
Is it time we see all the J6 Fed videos that are long overdue? In the upcoming 2024 election, will voters have any protection? Can we the American people get voter protection, not selection? Is The Ruling Class Leaving Us Out In The Cold?, Poem Enter Billy Joe (BJ) Cate, author. Web, Note; all of Billy Joe Cate's writings are only his opinions formed over 91 years of life and what he has learned.
How could those so-called elected to office be so bold? Is this one way we Americans are left out in the cold? What the ruling class is doing to us is getting old. It is hard to count how many elections they stole.
It is hard to believe when we make a fuss. If we expose the truth those in power come after us. Many stolen elections have become known. Through all this, we live in the world of the unknown.
When we Americans go to the polls our vote needs to count. In an election with electronic devices can they change the amount? Have you heard inside of the voting machines there is a transit key? So they can change the election outcome to whatever they want it to be.
Could this be the reason they want to change our freedom of speech? When we Americans have no voice it could put our freedom out of reach. The January 6th DC prisoners of war have very little protection. It can be believed that most of this comes from a stolen election.
Why are the ones in power trying to shred our constitution? We Americans know it, along with the Bill Of Rights is our solution. We have always known divide and conquer has to come within. Don’t you think it's time we Americans start preparing a way to win?
What Are They Saying Now? Poem Do You Have A Vision? Poem
Amazon. com Enter Billy Joe (BJ) Cate, author. Web, Note; all of Billy Joe Cate's writings are only his opinions formed over 91 years of life and what he has learned. Do we know the committee called they? Have the elected been doing this for years? Do we need to elect someone who cares? Anytime we are in doubt. Knowing the truth, we kick it out. When others always put us down. We need to search for higher Ground. When we have a winning team. It's much easier to achieve our dream. Too many Powerful are becoming takers. We love winners, who are dream makers. Growing up as a sharecropper’s Son. B J found ways to make his work more fun. I had my first business when I was ten. With no money, I was looking for a way to win. If life is a bowl of cherries, why are so many quick to call it quits? Could it be in their life they never learn how to enjoy the pits? I followed my dream and became financially free. If you have a big dream, and follow it, it can come to be. Many Get Their Kicks From Political Tricks, Poem
Amazon. com Enter Billy Joe (BJ) Cate, author. Web, Note; all of Billy Joe Cate's writings are only his opinions formed over 91 years and what he has learned.
After finally getting a conservative candidate elected, thinking now this will help us be protected. When they came into power it was not what we expected. It was different Washington in DC for those elected.
They were wined and dined by the political class. Knowing there was a price to pay once the die was cast. Would their supporters forget what they were told? Nothing could happen until their term started to unfold.
After they voted on the bill against what they had been saying. The ones back home were shocked at the game they were playing. Was it their bottom line that helped them change their mind? Is it true in DC money is in control, even if too often it is hard to find?
We Americans must know by now or elections don't have protection. Are we outraged with how easily they can steal an election? Can electronic devices in voting, switch votes as they choose? Do you believe that the ruling class of the charge will win or lose?
How could we Americans go to sleep at the wheel? Are we concerned about how many elections they will steal? When it comes to political tricks, some are dirty and summer not. Instead of following our Constitution, is this what we have got?
Too Many Secrets, Why, Poem BJ’s five books are on Enter, Billy Joe (BJ) Cate, author. Web, Note; all of Billy Joe Cate's writings are only his opinions formed over 91 years of life and what he has learned.
Is our house like our border today? When it is violated who has to pay? Having open borders, do you feel secure? How long do you think we can endure?
Are they telling us lies that we will buy? Will it be later when we learn the reason why? Through open borders are we protected? Could the loss of our liberties be expected?
Does it mean the American People’s freedom is at stake? Are so-called leaders, hoping we will break? Can we prevent the stealing of our elections? Has it helped to destroy all of America’s protections?
Is anyone being against “America First”? Could this be a way Americans are cursed? can we stand up for “America First” all the way? How do we regain our Freedom in America today?
Having millions of illegals are our schools overrun? How can we the US taxpayers afford what is done? Will we Americans stand up for our Constitution? Is following our constitution our best solution? Why Are They Trying To Change Our History? Poem
Amazon. com Enter Billy Joe (BJ) Cate, author. Web, Note; all of Billy Joe Cate's writings are only his opinions formed over 91 years of life and what he has learned.
Doesn't America have a great history? Are some in power, trying to make it a mystery? We honor our veterans who saved it for you with me. While following our Constitution and Bill of Rights cup of free.
Did it all start when they took prayer out of our schools? Was it removing historic statues, while playing us for fools? Is trying to redefine our gender, as one of their tools? If you want to destroy America, just change the rules.
Do we as Americans need to live a principal-driven life? With this kind of faith, we can handle all the strife. A distraction can put us in traction, we need to protect our minds. The ruling class uses confusion as a distraction, just one of the signs.
Many politicians are looking to tell us a lie we will buy. Never revealing the real position, later we find out why. For too many of them, personal wealth is their bottom line. We look for them to represent us yet many are hard to find.
What Are They Saying Now? Poem Do You Have A Vision? Poem
Amazon. com Enter Billy Joe (BJ) Cate, author. Web, Note; all of Billy Joe Cate's writings are only his opinions formed over 91 years of life and what he has learned. Do we know the committee called they? Have the elected been doing this for years? Do we need to elect someone who cares? Anytime we are in doubt. Knowing the truth, we kick it out. When others always put us down. We need to search for higher Ground. Doesn’t Our Country Need A Strong Leader? Poem Enter Billy Joe (BJ) Cate, author. Web, Note; all of Billy Joe Cate's writings are only his opinions formed over 91 years of life and what he has learned.
A strong leader has planned for a solution. While they follow our constitution. They know how and when to make a strong stand. Most observers would think it's planned.
Leaders always work to develop a clear vision. They do this before making a critical decision. Do you trust a leader who makes decisions on the fly? Followup by any made-up lie they think you will buy.
Knowing through challenges is the way to make gains. A strong leader learns how to enjoy the pains. A successful leader knows how to make a critical call. They have a plan if they have to take a fall.
Any strong leader knows when they need to be bold. Political Indoctrination, Poem
Amazon. com Enter Billy Joe (BJ) Cate, author. Web, Note; all of Billy Joe Cate's writings are only his opinions formed over 91 years of life and what he has learned.
Can those in power use indoctrination? Is this becoming a political occupation? Is it used on members of Congress today? Can it be used by the ruling class to get their way?
Bringing up your past mistakes is their way. Is it a way politicians in office can stay? They know how it, becomes truth in your eyes. If it is repeated enough times, believe it is no surprise.
Do you believe indoctrination is going on in our schools today? Our children tend to believe what the teachers have to say. Allowing the school boards and the teachers to have their way. The way our schools are today how can parents ever have a say?
In many schools trying to teach children what they're not. All parents stand up telling the constitutional rights they've got. Don't we all know Biologically, our real gender? Knowing this, how can we Americans ever surrender?
If those in power have so many ways to create division. Americans, knowing our Bill of Rights and Constitution. Following them for over 200 years has been our solution.
It is wise to follow leaders who are achievers. They can build great teams who are believers. Consistency is the mark of a strong leader. A reason why a leader can be a great succeeder. If life is a bowl of cherries, why are so many quick to call it quits? Could it be in their life they never learn how to enjoy the pits? I followed my dream and became financially free. If you have a big dream, and follow it, it can come to be. Why are the prisoners of war in the DC prison wasting their life away? Why don’t listening to what we have to say? Jake Lang, while a J6 prisoner, was in solitary confinement for 800 days. This was just reported, haven’t they violated his civil rights in many ways?
We Americans want to keep all of our God-given rights. We all need to join together cause this will take a lot of fights. We will have to protect the Constitution and our Bill of Rights. In all the American wars our troops had to win many fights.
Is Social Justice A Distraction, Poem
Amazon. com Enter Billy Joe (BJ) Cate, author. Web, Note; all of Billy Joe Cate's writings are only his opinions formed over 91 years of life and what he has learned.
Knowing any distraction. Can put us in traction Is social justice an invented term? Could it be used as a political worm?
Is our American way of life under attack? Are we aware, this can drive us off track? Over the years, they tried to take America down. Are these some of the new methods they have found?
Anytime I hear negative talk. I make an excuse to take a walk. Too many politicians have become magicians. From their talk, we'll never know their real positions.
Are we becoming useful idiots to the political class? This is when we are too quick to give politicians a pass. Could social justice be used as a means to destroy? By changing the language is this a political ploy?
Are they always looking for a lie we will buy? They are always failing to give us a reason why. Is honest and fair elections a thing of the past? If it is, America as we know it today, can never last.
Why? Poem Do You Have A Vision? Poem
Amazon. com Enter Billy Joe (BJ) Cate, author. Web, Note; all of Billy Joe Cate's writings are only his opinions formed over 91 years of life and what he has learned.
Why are we the people feeling the heat? Are those in power putting us in the street? Have we ever been here before? Don’t we the people deserve a lot more?
Why are we not protected?? By the ones reelected? Could it be with a stolen election? We Americans lose our protection.
Why aren't we the people in control? Isn’t this way of government getting old? After all these years it's taking a toll. Why are there many ads for us to buy gold?
Is it time for the American people to catch on? Do we will we keep waiting until hope is gone? Have those in power put us on a dangerous road? Are too many unable to carry that heavy load?
How can we ensure our next election is fair? When it comes to this fight, will you be there? Are those in power following our Constitution? Don’t we all know for 200 years it was our solution?
Is It Happening Now? Poem Enter Billy Joe (BJ) Cate, author. Web, Note; all of Billy Joe Cate's writings are only his opinions formed over 91 years of life and what he has learned.
Who in the ruling class represents us? Who listens when we make a fuss? How long do you think this will last?
Why don't, we the people have a say? Are our freedoms being taken away? Did American people go to sleep at the wheel? How much more of our life can they steal?
How many in power have been elected? With unfair elections how can we be protected? Praising all the men and women who fought. Knowing it was America's freedom they bought. This is what the ruling class wants us to forget. When we remind them of it, they have a fit. During the J6 protest, we stood up and made a fuss. Then, those who were in power came after us.
What kind of country are we living in? Was it founding principles that helped us win Why is America going through so much strife? Do we need to start living a principal-driven life?
Have You Heard? Poem Enter Billy Joe (BJ) Cate, author. Web, Note; all of Billy Joe Cate's writings are only his opinions formed over 91 years of life and what he has learned.
How many have heard? Our power is in the word? Can we stop it before it is out of reach?
We Americans lose our choice. If we leave those in power to choose.
In Proverbs, it tells us the power of our speech. It was repeated 41 times, what we need to teach. Becoming successful I have to confess. Saying aloud, my goals I would daily address.
Homeschooling can be great so kids can grow. Teaching our children what they need to know. In other schools, indoctrination is the rule. Are they teaching porn in your school?
Has stolen elections driven us down? Wisconsin, in its voter roll, it was found. One Ph. number there was 20,000 names. How can we in America win in these games?
What are those in power not following, our founding fathers’ constitution? For over 200 years, it's been our solution. Why is the ruling class ignoring our constitution?
When In Doubt, Throw It Out, Poem Enter Billy Joe (BJ) Cate, author. Web, Note; all of Billy Joe Cate's writings are only his opinions formed over 91 years of life and what he has learned.
If we decide to take a Covid shot. Is there any way we know what we got? Have you heard of some reports of what's in it? When in doubt throw it out, why begin it?
Having a principle-driven mind It is amazing what we will find. Knowing how to handle rejection. Can be a good form of protection.
I've always trusted my common sense It is a large part of my defense. In today's media, there are too many lies. Later, we may receive a negative surprise.
How can we Americans get protection? Is there a way to stop a stolen election? Who in the government can we trust? Following our constitution is a must.
BJ always goes slow until so he will know, then he will know which direction to go. This will help you remove any lingering doubt.
Who in Power Can We Trust? Poem Enter, Billy Joe (BJ) Cate, author. Web, Note; all of Billy Joe Cate's writings are only his opinions formed over 91 years of life and what he has learned.
Do we know emotion changes the notion? Don’t we know fear causes emotion? Could it be one of the politicians, favorite tools? With this distraction, they can make their own rules.
Is another favorite to make up a lie we will buy? Do they think if repeated enough times it’s not a lie? Don’t we see why they like to create a distraction? Is it known any distraction can put us in traction?
How do graveyards during elections come alive? If they keep stealing our elections, how can we survive? How do they have hundreds of illegal voters in the states? On the voter roll, they are 110-year-old birthday dates.
Is this why our voter rolls nationwide are a mess? In the state of Minnesota, 14,000 voters at one address. How many legal voters voted in the 2020 election? Could a fair Election in 2024 be America's best protection?
Is The USA Being invaded?, Poem?
Amazon. com Enter Billy Joe (BJ) Cate, author. Web, Note; all of Billy Joe Cate's writings are only his opinions formed over 91 years of life and what he has learned.
Is our southern border open for the cartel? They are bussing the illegals to your city as well. They're taking American jobs every day.
When will we as taxpayers, finally have a say? Why does the ruling class always have their way? For Americans, this is a heavy price for us to pay.
For we Americans what can we use as our defense? Why not elect the ones who have good common sense? Do we need to elect those who follow our Constitution?
Are there too many in power trying to bring America down? Too many of these organizations have always been around. Is having a political party a thing of the past? How long do you think this current way of politics will last?
If our southern border is not being invaded, what's another name? What is another name we can use in this take-over American game? As Americans, we need all to stand up for the American way. Isn’t the Constitution and Bill of Rights why we are free today?
The Cost Of Freedom
Amazon. com Enter Billy Joe (BJ) Cate, author. Web, Note; all of Billy Joe Cate's writings are only his opinions formed over 91 years of life and what he has learned.
To every American in the military serving, served, or willing to fight. Helped us Americans keep America’s light shining bright. I am so proud of the military volunteers willing to go in harm’s way, you are protecting our freedom no matter what the critics say.
We as Americans should know freedom is never free, without the military our freedom could never be. Some spend their time in destructive talk, about our troops who dare to do the walk.
Would those critics ever have the courage to fight? Could it be they just want to dim our hero’s brightest light? In our leaders, Americans look for a hint of common sense, If lost I believe we could lose a critical part of our defense.
My praise goes out to our troops, who are putting their lives on the line, not to a large group of critics getting paid to carry a sign. I look for those standing for America while holding their head high, when their loved ones have fallen they still honor others as they cry. Thanks for Your Service
Always Expect The Unexpected, Poem
Amazon. com Enter Billy Joe (BJ) Cate, author. Web, Note; all of Billy Joe Cate's writings are only his opinions formed over 91 years of life and what he has learned.
When we want to be protected, we should always expect the unexpected. We as human beings all have a blindside. We need to guard against any attack on this side.
Be aware of all the things that cause a distraction. Knowing that any is traction can put us in traction. When B J makes a decision, he sleeps on it overnight. His subconscious mind helped him get it right.
When BJ was on the spot and began to sweat. He all of a sudden realized it was a trap that he set. Sometimes we need to take an educational break. Talking to yourself the mirror can find a mistake.
After many years I found the secret to success. It was something I needed to daily confess. We all need goals to keep growing.
If we have to walk to a minefield to win. Why don't we follow someone who has been? If you decide you wanna start winning. There's no need to wait until the 9th inning.
Is The Truth Beginning To Come Out? Poem
Enter, Billy Joe (BJ) Cate, author. Web, Note; all of Billy Joe Cate's writings are only his opinions formed over 91 years of life and what he has learned.
When the real truth comes out, it will remove all doubt. Americans don't know who to trust. Is following our constitution, now a must?
Is taking our tax money their bottom line? How are they doing this keeping us in the blind? Are the Powerful trying to reprogram this every day? Is there direction, causing us to lose our protection? How did this increase so much, with stolen elections? On April 19 the Supreme Court announces a decision. About the Arizona Election Voter Fraud Case on a revision.
Too many of us, Americans go asleep at the wheel. This has made our elections much easier to steal. Do we Americans want our way of life to survive? Don't you think it’s time we politically came alive?
We Have Never Been Here Before, Poem
Enter, Billy Joe (BJ) Cate, author. Web, Note; all of Billy Joe Cate's writings are only his opinions formed over 91 years of life and what he has learned. Are They Making Laws Ignoring our Constitution? For 200 years the Constitution has been our solution. For years we Americans have fought to keep us free. America's form of government, that's why it came to be.
Didn't our founding fathers give us a biblical foundation? Wasn’t it the main reason we became a powerful nation? Can we ever thank our troops for the sacrifices they gave? Wasn't it American's way of life they were fighting to save?
Is the ruling class using open borders to bring us down? Are schools overloaded with illegals in schools in your town? From the 2020 election, about 14 million illegals are in the USA. Our way of life in stolen elections has hurt us in a big way.
Voting Roles in Minnesota has 14,000 listed voters at one address. In electronic voting machines is a forensics key reporters confessed. This is like giving all in the world the combination to your safe. Using only paper ballots, same-day voting, if not, elections are unsafe.
“For Crying Out Loud,” Poem Enter, Billy Joe (BJ) Cate, author. Web, Note; all of Billy Joe Cate's writings are only his opinions formed over 91 years of life and what he has learned. We in the USA should all be proud. Why don't more of us say it out loud? When we have American Pride. This is a hard thing to hide. Through all of American fears. To Take Us has been going on for years. We Americans need to always have respect. We have our American way of life to protect. Paper ballots, same-day voting in the next election. Is a great way for us to have voter protection. With voting machines, no election is fair. Do we have election officials who care? In Minnesota, voter rolls had 14,000 at one address. Reported, that almost all voter rolls are a mess. "How can we do away with stolen elections?” Why does the ruling class ignore voter protection? Who in Power Can We Trust? Poem Enter, Billy Joe (BJ) Cate, author. Web, Note; all of Billy Joe Cate's writings are only his opinions formed over 91 years of life and what he has learned.
Do we know emotion changes the notion? Don’t we know fear causes emotion? Could it be one of the politicians, favorite tools? With this distraction, they can make their own rules.
Is another favorite to make up a lie we will buy? Do they think if repeated enough times it’s not a lie? Don’t we see why they like to create a distraction? Is it known any distraction can put us in traction?
How do graveyards during elections come alive? If they keep stealing our elections, how can we survive? How do they have hundreds of illegal voters in the states? On the voter roll, they are 110-year-old birthday dates.
Is this why our voter rolls nationwide are a mess? In the state of Minnesota, 14,000 voters at one address. How many legal voters voted in the 2020 election? Could a fair Election in 2024 be America's best protection?
Who's Winning The War To Save America? Poem Enter Billy Joe (BJ) Cate, author. Web, Note; all of Billy Joe Cate's writings are only his opinions formed over 91 years of life and what he has learned. Are we the American people being protected? Is our government doing what is expected? Did most of this happen because of a stolen election? Could we lose our country without election protection? Have those in power shredded our constitution today? If our founding fathers were here today what would they say? With the actions of the ones in power, our Constitution is hard to recognize. With the border invasion and all the illegals, this should not be a surprise. Having all the new arrivals, we taxpayers have to pay the cost. Can we Americans elect a powerful leader before our country is lost? We need to go to paper ballots for all the elections to get an accurate count. This has been proven to be a great way to come up with the right amount. Without fair and transparent elections our freedoms are gone. We Americans no longer have a say in the USA on what’s going on. If in America our God-given rights are taken away. For all Americans, this will be our saddest day. Our Children’s Education Versus Indoctrination.
Enter, Billy Joe (BJ) Cate, author. Web, Note; all of Billy Joe Cate's writings are only his opinions formed over 91 years of life and what he has learned. Some schools are teaching the 1619 project that teaches hate. Using the so-called 1619 project can destroy our state. Trying to contaminate the minds of our children this way. Our children learning this gives them a heavy price to pay. As a teaser, I was giving my students tools they could use. These were tools they could use in life to win, not lose. Do you believe most young students are eager to learn? Does this hate in this 1619 project alarm your concern? Our laws came from the Bill Of Rights and our Constitution. For well over 200 years they have served as America’s solution. Through this, we have become the greatest country on earth. There is no way we can let a few Marxists destroy our self-worth. These Marxists trying to destroy America are good at what they do. We Americans have to stand up and fight for true values are true. When we let a Marxist government become our God we lose. To protect our God-given rights it is time for us as Americans to choose.
Today's Technology Has Accomplish Much, Poem Enter Billy Joe (BJ) Cate, author. Web, Note; all of Billy Joe Cate's writings are only his opinions formed over 91 years of life and what he has learned.
Our technology has accomplished much. Yet, it will never replace a human touch. Was it our human intelligence that gave us what we have today? Or was it the spaceship crash in Roswell that gave it to us in another way?
We did not even have a microwave before that Roswell crash. Was this from this crash in Roswell, we would not otherwise know? I like to compare it with a caveman after he first saw the sunlight. Do today’s technology, with AI, appear to have grown out of sight?
Using AI today we don't know what's true and what's not. Many Americans are confused with the technology we have got. Too Many politicians and experts say to America it means a lot. Does it appear over time we will learn what we've got?
As human beings, this may give us a better way to live. The question is how many of our freedoms will we have to give. Our futures will be going through many tests. If we follow the Bill of Rights and the Constitution, it would be best. Saving Constitutional America, Victory Is Our Only Option. Poem Enter Billy Joe (BJ) Cate, author. Web, Note; all of Billy Joe Cate's writings are only his opinions formed over 91 years of life and what he has learned.
We need a strong government for our protection. Will this happen when if our votes are stolen in any election? Following the Constitution and our Bill Of Rights is the way. We need to do away with any electronic voting systems today.
When we convert to paper, ballots, and we all vote on the same day. There are exceptions for some who can vote a different way. Victory would be, having fair and transparent elections. Same-day, voting, paper, ballots, & hand counting are protections.
The ruling class has many tools they use for distractions. We should know any distraction can put us in traction. This is so much like a magician’s trick. When we know the real truth, it makes us sick.
We should know by now the ruling class will never give us a pass. We The People can stand together and eliminate the dye cast. As Americans, we need to come to know the victory feeling. This is the reason why being victorious is so appealing.
We know America is the greatest country on earth. Being an American, standing. for our constitution improves our self-worth. We should know that a constitutional victory is our only way. Will, we Americans stand up, knowing there may be a heavy price to pay?
“The Spirit Of America,” Poem Enter Billy Joe (BJ) Cate, author. Web, Note; all of Billy Joe Cate's writings are only his opinions formed over 91 years of life and what he has learned.
The spirit of America Came from our founder’s plan. Giving us our constitution and the freedom on which we stand. Our American spirit comes from within. This has given Americans, the spirit to win.
To every American in the military serving, served, or willing to fight. Helped us Americans keep America’s light shining bright. I am so proud of the military volunteers willing to go in harm’s way, you are protecting our freedom no matter what the critics say.
We as Americans should know freedom is never free, without the military our freedom could never be. Some spend their time in destructive talk, about our troops who dare to do the walk.
We must all know by now. Freedom is not free. We'll never forget the troops who went into battle for you and me. They volunteered to fight for the freedom that they wanted to save. How can we ever thank them for all the sacrifices they gave?
If we no longer have a Constitution and the Bill of Rights, we lose our protections. When we Americans all stand to gather in this fight? We will know the spirit of America’s light will keep shining bright. How Can We Do The Right Things To Save The USA, Poem? Enter Billy Joe (BJ) Cate, author. Web, Note; all of Billy Joe Cate's writings are only his opinions formed over 91 years of life and what he has learned. How can we ever find a solution? When the ruling class keeps ignoring our constitution. We are trying to stop the enemy within. With so many attacks, it is hard to see where to begin. We have had so many stolen elections. Why doesn't our government give us more protections? With any electronic devices involved in our elections. How can it ever be fair, when we lose all our protections? Have we ever seen Americans being polled so far down? How can we individually find a defense that’s sound? It appears we Americans have been hung out to dry. Our Children’s Education Versus Indoctrination.
Enter, Billy Joe (BJ) Cate, author. Web, Note; all of Billy Joe Cate's writings are only his opinions formed over 91 years of life and what he has learned. Some schools are teaching the 1619 project that teaches hate. Using the so-called 1619 project can destroy our state. Trying to contaminate the minds of our children this way. Our children learning this gives them a heavy price to pay. As a teaser, I was giving my students tools they could use. These were tools they could use in life to win, not lose. Do you believe most young students are eager to learn? Does this hate in this 1619 project alarm your concern? Our laws came from the Bill Of Rights and our Constitution. For well over 200 years they have served as America’s solution. Through this, we have become the greatest country on earth. There is no way we can let a few Marxists destroy our self-worth. These Marxists trying to destroy America are good at what they do. We Americans have to stand up and fight for true values are true. When we let a Marxist government become our God we lose. To protect our God-given rights it is time for us as Americans to choose.
Have you heard Dominion voting machines have a transit key So they can change the count on what they want it to be. Do you think the 2024 elections will “be too big to rig?” If this happens, it's something most Americans will dig. We Have Never Been Here Before, Poem
Enter, Billy Joe (BJ) Cate, author. Web, Note; all of Billy Joe Cate's writings are only his opinions formed over 91 years of life and what he has learned. Are They Making Laws Ignoring our Constitution?
I AM PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN WRITTEN By BILLY JOE (BJ) CATE, BJCATEWRITES.COM For Those Who Remember The Past 75 Years. How We Have Grown Despite All Our Fears. Technology Has Accomplished So Much Yet It Will Never Replace The Human Touch. Our Constitution Has Given Us All Individual Freedoms We Enjoy. When I was a young sharecropper son, I felt American pride as a boy. A Salute To All American Leaders Who Honored Our Constitution. Americans Need Leaders Who Are Always Focused On Finding A Solution.
When We Count Wars That Our American Veterans Have Fought. Can today’s Americans Ever Measure The Freedom They Have Bought? The Sacrifices They Gave Brought The Lifestyle We Enjoy Today. Our Veterans Were There To Serve No Matter The Price They Had To Pay. There Are Those Today Who Are Trying To Destroy Our American History. The Reason They Are Trying To Destroy Our Way Of Life Is Not A Mystery. Not To Mention The Gangs And The Burning And Looting Of Many Cities Today. Allowing This To Continue We Could Lose Our Freedoms And The American Way. As A Young American, I Looked In The Mirror To See What I Could See. I Was Amazed At What I Did See, It Was My Biggest Problem Looking Back At Me. In My Younger Years, I Thought Failure Was An Ugly Creature. As I Faced My Fears And Struggles In Life It Tuned Out To Be A Great Teacher. We All Can Enjoy A Wonderful Gift. This Happens When We Give Others A Lift. As Americans Freedom Is A Gift We Enjoy Every Day. Why Not Share That Gift With Others In What We Do And Say? Too Many Secrets, Why, Poem BJ’s five books are on Enter, Billy Joe (BJ) Cate, author. Web, Note; all of Billy Joe Cate's writings are only his opinions formed over 91 years of life and what he has learned.
Is our house like our border today? When it is violated who has to pay? Having open borders, do you feel secure? How long do you think we can endure?
Are they telling us lies that we will buy? Will it be later when we learn the reason why? Through open borders are we protected? Could the loss of our liberties be expected?
Does it mean the American People’s freedom is at stake? Are so-called leaders, hoping we will break? Can we prevent the stealing of our elections? Has it helped to destroy all of America’s protections?
Is anyone being against “America First”? Could this be a way Americans are cursed? can we stand up for “America First” all the way? How do we regain our Freedom in America today?
Having millions of illegals are our schools overrun? How can we the US taxpayers afford what is done? Will we Americans stand up for our Constitution? Is following our constitution our best solution? Too Many Secrets, Why, Poem BJ’s five books are on Enter, Billy Joe (BJ) Cate, author. Web, Note; all of Billy Joe Cate's writings are only his opinions formed over 91 years of life and what he has learned.
Is our house like our border today? When it is violated who has to pay? Having open borders, do you feel secure? How long do you think we can endure?
Are they telling us lies that we will buy? Will it be later when we learn the reason why? Through open borders are we protected? Could the loss of our liberties be expected?
Does it mean the American People’s freedom is at stake? Are so-called leaders, hoping we will break? Can we prevent the stealing of our elections? Has it helped to destroy all of America’s protections?
Is anyone being against “America First”? Could this be a way Americans are cursed? can we stand up for “America First” all the way? How do we regain our Freedom in America today?
Having millions of illegals are our schools overrun? How can we the US taxpayers afford what is done? Will we Americans stand up for our Constitution? Is following our constitution our best solution? What Are They Saying Now? Poem Do You Have A Vision? Poem
Amazon. com Enter Billy Joe (BJ) Cate, author. Web, Note; all of Billy Joe Cate's writings are only his opinions formed over 91 years of life and what he has learned. Do we know the committee called they? Have the elected been doing this for years? Do we need to elect someone who cares? Anytime we are in doubt. Knowing the truth, we kick it out. When others always put us down. We need to search for higher Ground. When we have a winning team. It's much easier to achieve our dream. Too many Powerful are becoming takers. We love winners, who are dream makers. Growing up as a sharecropper’s Son. B J found ways to make his work more fun. |